Once the rehab has been been completed, the individual needs help transitioning back into every day life if treatment is to be successful. It has been established that people with good post-treatment plans are much less likely to relapse. The treatment arrangements post-rehab should be considered alongside the previous stages, and it should be a bespoke plan that will be effective for each individual. For the maintenance stage to be tailored well, there are a number of things that will need to be considered such as housing circumstances, financial limitations, relationships, employment and family members. 

Aftercare services include follow-up meetings, support group appointments, booster sessions and counselling. Educational help may assist to boost self esteem by teaching or improving employment prospects. An introduction to new hobbies have been proven to help, such as gardening, cooking or art. Establishing a fulfilling social life is also very important to successful treatment, so attending life skills workshops can be a good way to learn healthy socialising practice. 

Once a post-treatment plan has been established, it should be reviewed regularly and any adjustments made if they are deemed necessary. Help needs to be readily available if it is to be useful, and this includes medical, physical and mental assistance along with encouragement, nutritional advice and employment adjustments. The support of family and friends is essential and perhaps they will need some understanding about the limitations of a recovery, and any relapse signs to look out for. A support system for those close to a recovering addict is also useful and is part of a robust maintenance process.